Ice buoys

From the offset, our buoys and spars are designed as floating navigational aids that withstand harsh winter conditions and heavy ice loads.

Durable solutions for demanding conditions

Arctia manufactures navigational aids that is resistant to winter conditions and ice loads, of which 30,000 are in use in Finland all year round. The company has also supplied its products internationally.

50 years of experience and expertise in the manufacture of polyethylene buoys & atons
Leading position in the market
Remote management and monitoring of security devices
Products exported to over 20 countries

Buoys and spars that withstand winter challenges

From the offset, our buoys and spars are designed as floating navigational aids that withstand harsh winter conditions and heavy ice loads. Currently, approximately 30,000 buoys and spars manufactured at our factory are used in various water systems around the year.

We have delivered hundreds of ice buoys to Canada, the United States and the Baltic Sea States as well as other countries where ice-tolerant floating navigational aids are required for year-round use.

With its solid expertise in the field of ice buoys, Arctia played a remarkable role in the preparation of the international IALA Guideline G1006, Polyethylene Buoys.

Ice buoy maxi PV800

With its diameter of 800 mm and focal plane of up to 4.5 m, Ice Buoy Maxi PV800 is the largest spar on the market. As PV800 is moored with a short taut chain, it has excellent location accuracy and ice tolerance.

The taut mooring is beneficial in narrow fairways as it fully utilizes the depth of the water and minimizes the required watercourse width and need for dredging. The taut mooring allows for water level fluctuations within the range of approximately +1.5 m and -1.0 m.

Product specifications

  • Total length 10.2 m
  • Draft from surface 6.2 m
  • Focal plane from surface 4.0 m
  • Diametern 800 mm
  • Net weight 1190 kg
  • Recommended mooring sinker weight 10.0–15.0 t
  • Recommended chain mooring

Ice buoy medium SVV500-10

Ice Buoy Medium SVV500 features a diameter of 500 mm and a focal plane of up to 3.5 m. As SVV500 is moored with a short taut chain, it has excellent location accuracy and ice tolerance.

The taut mooring is beneficial in narrow fairways as it fully utilizes the depth of the water and minimizes the required watercourse width and need for dredging. The taut mooring allows for water level fluctuations within the range of approximately +1.5 m and -1.0 m. In tidal areas, other ice buoy and mooring solutions are recommended.

Product specifications

  • Total length 10.2 m
  • Draft from surface 6.7 m
  • Focal plane from surface 3.5 m
  • Diametern 500 mm
  • Net weight 750 kg
  • Recommended mooring sinker weight 6.0 - 8.0 t
  • Recommended chain mooring

Smart solutions and environmental friendliness

Both buoys can be equipped with remote management and monitoring features, allowing you to track the status and location of safety equipment in real time through the SeaDatics system. This enhances channel safety, anticipates maintenance visits, and reduces environmental impact.

All our buoys are 100 % recyclable, and remote monitoring technology enables quick recovery of detached markers, preventing them from ending up in the environment.


Interested in our services or need more information? Contact us and we will help you find the right solution for your needs.

Caius Grann

Sales Director
+358 40 526 7716

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