Bathymetric - LiDAR measurement

LiDAR technology enables fast, accurate and safe measurements in shallow water areas.

Accurate and safe measurement for demanding conditions

LiDAR-measurement produces accurate and seamlessly continuous data, improving the efficiency and safety of measurements even in difficult-to-access water areas.

Versatile marine surveying and research equipment
One of Northern Europe's leading marine surveying companies
World-class marine surveying expertise
Strong local knowledge of maritime areas

LiDAR measurement for shallow water areas

Mapping shallow water areas is often challenging. LiDAR mapping offers a cost-effective and accurate solution for mapping shallow water areas. Aircraft-based LiDAR measurement enables efficient data collection of large areas in a single flight, collecting both underwater and topographic data.

Our experience and advanced equipment ensure that we can offer tailor-made measurement solutions for a wide range of needs. Our services are suitable for both small and large projects, and we operate flexibly across Europe. We can react quickly to customer needs and ensure high-quality measurements even in demanding conditions.

LiDAR technology:

  • Safe and fast measurement: With LiDAR measurement from an aircraft, we reach water areas that cannot be reached by boat or where measurement is risky.

  • Seamless measurement data: With LiDAR technology, we produce accurate information from both above and below the water surface, enabling a complete and consistent elevation model of coastal areas.

  • Better visibility of objects: Our high-quality devices distinguish even the smallest details and objects accurately, making boat measurements faster and more efficient.

  • Georeferenced aerial photographs: Using camera data from the measurement area, we can produce accurate georeferenced aerial photographs of the measurement moment.

Hydrographic and survey vessels

Read more about our fleet


Interested in our services or need more information? Contact us and we will help you find the right solution for your needs.

Lauri Pöyhönen

SVP, Marine Survey Services

+358 50 558 7952

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