Diving services

Safe and efficient diving services for all underwater inspection, construction, repair and installation work.

Diving services for demanding underwater work

Arctia's experienced professional divers provide safe and efficient diving services throughout Finland, from the archipelago to the open sea. We have state-of-the-art specialized equipment and decades of experience in demanding underwater inspection and construction work.

Versatile fleet
Strong professional expertise and local knowledge
Remote management and monitoring of safety devices
Over 30 years of experience

Expert diving service all over Finland

We serve all of Finland's water areas - on the open sea, in the archipelago, inland waters and ports. Our divers specialize in demanding underwater work, such as repairing bridges, ports, power plants and dams, as well as new construction. We also have decades of experience in inspections and repairs of underwater structures in waterways and canals.

We use comprehensive equipment and professional teams

Arctia's diving teams have at their disposal top-class diving and videography equipment, a wide selection of compressed air- and hydraulic tools, as well as welding and mining equipment. In addition, we have versatile water construction equipment, from work platforms to fairway vessels, so we can meet all your underwater needs.

Customized diving services according to your needs

Our diving services are always tailored according to the customers’ needs, and the work is carried out safely, efficiently and economically.

Arctia provides you with the ability to carry out a project requiring diving services comprehensively and with high quality.

Fairway maintenance vessels

Read more about our fleet


Interested in our services or need more information? Contact us and we will help you find the right solution for your needs.

Caius Grann

Sales Director
+358 40 526 7716

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