
SeaHow delivers the first EROV-buoy for Oceaneering

Oceaneering has innovated a total new approach for the maintenance of submerged pipelines and installations.  The basic principle is to minimize the use of expensive support–vessel and use remote operated EROV-systems for the maintenance.  The SeaHow by Meritaito EROV-buoy serves as the floating station for the communication antenna. Significant cost saving can be achieved by executing the maintenance services from land-based centers, instead of having the support-vessels standing by in off-shore locations.  The attached animation presents the principle.

SeaHow started the co-operation with Oceaneering one year ago.  After few meetings and their visit to our buoy factory we could convince them of our capability. This delivered buoy is the first in the series of EROV-buoys.  The design was challenging and also rewarding to both Parties.  This project finally establishes the status of SeaHow being the number one supplier of customized polyethylene buoys for any use, worldwide.

Watch the E-ROV animation here

For more info please contact Mr Seppo Virtanen, seppo.virtanen@seahow.fi




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